New to Woodburning

Are you new to the world of woodburning and want to brush up on your facts before committing to buying bulk? Then this page is designed with you in mind. Simply click on whatever topic/question you want answering and it'll take you straight to the answer.
Are wood burners bad for the environment?
Are wood burners bad for your health?
What do I need to light a wood burner?
How to light my woodburner or open fire?
How do I maintain a good fire?
Considerations when lighting your woodburning stove or open fire
What is the best wood burner?
Are wood burners worth it?
What fuel is best for indoor wood burners?
Woodburner vs Central Heating
Do wood burners add value to your house?
Does a wood burner need a chimney?
What firewood is best for an open fire?
What are the benefits and disadvantages of wood burning stoves?
What size log do I need for my indoor woodburner?
Different outdoor burning appliances
The Dos & Dont's of Outdoor Burning
What firewood is best for pizza ovens?
Can you burn wood in your back garden?
Campfires + Safety
Outdoor Cooking
Outdoor Burning Regulations
Is burning wood outside bad for the environment?
How to light my firepit?
Where do I put my firepit to burn safely?
What does kiln dried wood mean?
What firewood dries the quickest?
What firewood burns the hottest?
What firewood burns for the longest?
What firewood smokes the least?
Why won't my firewood burn?
Is firewood a renewable source?
What moisture content should my firewood be?
Seasoned vs Kiln dried
When is the best time to purchase firewood?
How do I know if my firewood is below 20%?
What's the most effective way of buying firewood?
What firewood is best?
Is hardwood or softwood better?
Does kiln dried wood burn faster?
How to season firewood?
How long should wood be seasoned?
How much does your wood weigh?
How much firewood will I need for a typical winter?
How do I store my logs?
Can I store my logs in the garage?
How long do I need to season my logs??
Can firewood go bad?
How long can I store my firewood until it goes bad?
How to light my fire using kindling
How many firelighters do I use?
How do I store firelighters?
What is a KindleFlamer?
What have we done to reduce plastic usage?
Why is planting trees so important?
How can you shop sustainably?
What makes us a sustainable business?
How to clean my wood burner?
Can I use ash to clean the glass of my wood burner?
How often should I get a chimney sweep?
How do I clean my firepit?
Why is the top-down method recommended?
Why shouldn't you use newspaper when starting a fire?
KindleFlamer Method
Traditional Method
Have firewood prices gone up?
Why is the cost of firewood rising?
Benefits of buying bulk
Small PLastic Bags vs Bulk Bags
What is the Ready to Burn Scheme, and why do I have to comply?
Are wood burners being banned in the UK?
No smoke zones
Is there any sign of Quality Assurance?