
Kiln Dried Logs In Bulk Bags
Kiln Dried Logs In Bulk Bags

100% hardwood logs dried to below 20% moisture content, perfect for wood burning stoves and all fires indoors and outdoors. 

  • Ideal for wood burning stoves
50 bag pallet of kiln dried logs in small plastic bags
Kiln Dried Logs - Pallets of Small Bags

100% hardwood logs dried to below 20% moisture content, perfect for wood burning stoves and all fires, indoors and outdoors

  • Ideal for wood burning stoves
Firekits logs in boxes
Firekit - Kiln Dried Logs in Boxes

Kiln dried hardwood logs are packed with 3 KindleFlamers, in eco-friendly packaging, and delivered by a small van for easy access.

  • Ideal for wood burning stoves
Small logs for small woodburning stoves
Dinkies - small logs for small stoves

Dinkies boxes contain small logs for smaller stoves as well as two KindleFlamers natural firelighters. Dinkies are intended for Hobbit stoves and other appliances requiring logs of maximum of 20cm in length. These kits contain no plastic packaging and are delivered via a small van so great also for quick weekend top-ups.

Chunky Kiln Dried Logs 1.2m3 Bulk Bag
Chunky Kiln Dried Logs
100% hardwood logs, for immediate burning on large stoves and open fires. Much chunkier than standard logs.
  • Ideal for wood burning stoves
Grill&Chill Kiln Dried Logs For Outdoor Cooking in Pizza Ovens and Firepits
Grill & Chill Pizza Oven & Firepits Logs
OVERVIEW Pallet size: Will change depending on pallet size Volume: 0.8m3 bulk bag or each small plastic bag...
1 outdoor cooking kit
Outdoor Cooking Kit

Outdoor Cooking Kit contains mixed sizes of kiln dried logs and 2 KindleFlamers. Optimal for outdoor cooking. These kits contain no plastic packaging and are delivered via a small van so quick weekend top ups.

Flaming Kiln Dried Firewood For Firepits and Pizza Ovens
Flaming Firewood

Kiln dried firewood value pack consisting of a mix of sizes. 100% hardwood logs dried to below 20% moisture content, perfect for outdoor cooking and firepits. 

Fired Up Heat Logs
Fired Up Heat Logs
Each pack has 7 easy-to-handle logs made from 100% natural wood. Fired Up Heat Logs provide high heat output for efficient home heating without chemicals.
Fired Up Heat Logs Single Pack
Fired Up Heat Logs Single Pack

Each pack contains 7 logs, making them easy to store and handle. With their high calorific value, Fired Up Heat Logs ensure maximum heat output, providing a cosy and efficient way to warm your home. The heatlogs are made from 100% natural wood chippings and sawdust. The logs are so well made there is no need for any chemical binding agents or lighting fuels.

Starter kit- everything you need for one night's fire
Starter Kit - Try before you buy bulk

This starter kit includes kiln dried hardwood logs and KindleFlamers, allowing you to experience the benefits before committing to a larger order.

Flaming Firewood Single Bag
Flaming Firewood Single Bag

Kiln dried firewood value pack consisting of a mix of sizes. 100% hardwood logs dried to below 20% moisture content, perfect for starting fires as well as all outdoor burning such as camping, firepits and chimeneas. Single pack great for top-ups, weekend getaways or firepit gatherings. 

Flamers are designed to ignite easily and provide a steady burn to help start fires. They are made from a natural woodwool which is dipped into fully-refined paraffin wax.

Refined Paraffin Wax in Firelighters:

Refined paraffin wax is considered a better alternative to kerosene for several reasons. Firelighters made from paraffin wax burn cleaner than kerosene and have a minimal odour, making them more suitable for indoor use.

Advantages of Refined Paraffin Wax:

- Cleaner Burning: Produces less soot and smoke.

- No Odor: Minimal odour, more pleasant for indoor use.

- Convenience: Easier to handle and store than liquid kerosene-based firelighters.

- Efficiency: Provides consistent heat, helping to establish a fire more effectively.

Disadvantages of Paraffin Wax:

- Cost: Can be more expensive than kerosene.

There are several methods for using firelighters, including the traditional or top-down methods, each offering a different approach to starting a fire. Read more information on the best ways to light your fire. 



Yes, firelighters are safe to use indoors when used according to the manufacturer's instructions. However, proper ventilation and following safety guidelines to prevent accidents are essential.

Our refined paraffin wax is a safe and non-toxic material that is commonly used in household items like candles and cosmetics. The wax used with our Flamers is a bi-product of the motor industry and hence up-cycled. We use a waste product to produce Flamers, making it more environmentally friendly than most alternative plant-based waxes.

Additionally, Flamers do not contain any artificial fragrances, kerosene, or other toxic materials, making them a better option for both you and the environment.

Read about Flamers packaging. 

Yes. If you light your barbeque using a chimney starter, you genuinely only need one Flamer. Just place the Flamer at the base of the chimney and hey presto!

If you are lighting a bed of charcoal beneath your grill, you may need two flamers to help get a more even burn across the charcoal. This will depend on the size of your BBQ.

Watch how to light a charcoal BBQ.

Watch our interview with charcoal maker Matt from Whittle & Flame.

The product is not classed as toxic or poisonous. Flamers natural firelighters are made with natural wood shavings and fully refined up-cycled paraffin wax, making them a natural and eco-friendly option for starting fires. The wood shavings used in Flamers are sustainably sourced and the manufacturing process ensures that they are produced without the use of any harmful chemicals or additives.

Our refined paraffin wax is a safe and non-toxic material that is commonly used in household items like candles and cosmetics. The wax used with our Flamers is a bi-product of the motor industry, and hence up-cycled. We use a waste product to produce Flamers, making it more environmentally firendly than most alternative plant-based waxes.

Additionally, Flamers do not contain any artificial fragrances, kerosene, or other toxic materials, making them a better option for both you and the environment.

You need ONE Flamer, along with 6-8 kindling sticks and a couple of logs to light a single fire.

No, definitely not. We recommend against using newspapers to light a fire as they can contain toxic inks.

Yes, you can, and we have demonstrated this in a video. You will need to fluff up the wood wool a bit to make a little ‘nest’, and it takes a bit of practice, but it does work. Scout groups now recommend Flamers as an easy way to light a fire.

Watch the video.

No, they are odourless. All you can smell is the wood shavings. People love Flamers so much as many are used to the traditional white paraffin blocks, which have a strong smell due to their kerosene content.

KindleFlamers are three times the length of our Flamers, and because of the way they’re manufactured, and the size of them, the need for the use of kindling has been eliminated. This sustainably produced two-in-one firelighter packs a lot of power, meaning you only have to add Ready to Burn logs to start your fire. 

KindleFlamers are odourless, natural, easy-to-light, and made in Britain. They are suitable for all fires, such as wood burners, open fires, pizza ovens, chimeneas, barbecues, and campfires.

Shop KindleFlamers.

KindleFlamers are versatile and can be used in all wood-fired stoves and fireplaces, including wood-burning stoves, open fireplaces, and fire pits. If you're using your KindleFlamers in a wood burner, or in a firepits, we recommend using the top-down method for quick and easy firelighting. 

  1. Take two kiln dried logs and lay them next to each other
  2. Place one KindleFlamer between the ridge of the two logs
  3. Place a small log diagonally across them
  4. Light the KindleFlamer 
  5. Add more logs when required


Our KindleFlamers are also excellent for lighting charcoal BBQs as they are chemical-free and odourless, so there is no taint to your food. We would recommend the following method: 

  1. Create a bed of charcoal and place one KindleFlamer into the bed
  2. Light the KindleFlamer- no need to cover the KindleFlamer

  1. No Kindling Needed:
    • One of the primary benefits of KindleFlamers is that they can ignite larger logs directly without additional kindling. This simplifies the fire-starting process.Make sure to use the top-down method.
  2. Cost-Effective:
    • KindleFlamers are cost-effective because they eliminate the need for multiple fire-starting materials. Instead of buying kindling and firelighters separately, you can use KindleFlamers alone to get your fire going. 
  3. Space-Saving:
    • Because you don’t need any kindling to light your fire, KindleFlamers take up less space than traditional fire-starting supplies. This makes them ideal for homes with limited storage space and camping trips with premium space in your backpack or vehicle.
  4. Time-Saving:
    • KindleFlamers save you time because they ignite quickly and burn steadily, allowing you to start your fire with minimal effort. There's no need to spend time arranging kindling or fanning the flames to get the fire going. Simply light a KindleFlamer and let it do the work.
  5. Versatile:
    • KindleFlamers are highly versatile and can be used in various settings, including fireplaces, wood-burning stoves, barbecues, fire pits, and campfires. Their ability to work effectively in different environments makes them a go-to solution for any fire-starting needs.
  6. Safe and Clean:
    • KindleFlamers are designed to burn cleanly, producing minimal smoke and no harmful chemicals. This makes them safe to use indoors, ensuring a cleaner and healthier environment for you and your family