We need to plant more trees
Whilst I really don’t claim to know a lot about trees, I am very keen to learn a lot more, and in that process, thoroughly enjoying a book given to me by my daughter called ‘The Hidden Life of Trees’ by Peter Wohlleben. It certainly does take a very different viewpoint of trees making the case for forests being more like social networks.
I regularly walk around our field opposite which was planted about 3-4 years ago with a rich array of mixed broadleaves and ornamentals. There are so many different species and I am determined to get to know their names better through the seasonal variations. It certainly gives me so much pleasure and you can just see the abundance of flora and fauna that this new woodland supports.
You may or may not be aware that for many years now we have offered a ‘Plant a Tree’ option for you to purchase at the checkout of our online shop and each year we plant these trees. Whilst the numbers are relatively small, I have to confess that we have perhaps not communicated this as well as we should have to those that have made the purchase. We are determined to change this and further promote more trees to be planted and for this, we need your support.
In furthering this work, we recently teamed up with The Stovax Heating Group – a UK manufacturer of stoves, fires and fireplaces. They have launched their own Green Britain campaign which aims to plant 10,000 trees every year in Britain with our joint collaboration. They are promoting this scheme across their UK retailer network.
So, whilst presently 83% of our timber needs for construction etc are imported, the government seems determined to increase our overall coverage of woodland which is circa 12% compared with the European average of 38%. The England Tree Strategy consultation document sets a target to plant 30,000 hectares per annum by 2025 but there is a very long way to go if this is ever going to be achieved. Last year in England there were just 2,300 hectares planted.
Some question whether the land is available as so much is excellent for crop growing and with returns in forestry historically very low, many farmers see little reason to plant more woodland except marginal land to improve the environment. Perhaps this is about to change as we depart Europe and farm subsidies will be in decline.
There is a potentially rising market for UK timber with more houses scheduled to be built and there is now a new emerging market as online sales significantly increase. This is leading to more pallets being made and a lot more cardboard – this coincides with the drive to reduce plastic too.
So, consequently, as a business we are going to be planting more trees over the coming years and working closely with landowners and partners, but you could can also play your part by buying a ‘plant a tree’ at the checkout and for just £4 you can make a big difference as to how many trees we can plant. We will then keep you informed as to where we are planting and how things are progressing. There has never been a better time for us all to focus on planting more trees.
Planet Earth can never have too many trees! They are our Children of Nature!
Hi Certainly Wood. Just a question- if I were to purchase a tree planting at checkout, what happens to that tree? Will it be designated as Woodland and protected or will it eventually be utilised commercially by either Certainly Wood or other commercial enterprises? To me that is the key question in the mind of a consumer. Most of us know that trees are vital in absorbing CO2 and we need more planted, but is this just a way of paying for it to eventually benefit an organisation who will profit from it in future?
Although one tree costs a small amount at checkout, if I were inclined to purchase multiple trees I would want to know if they were to be protected or utilised for an organisations commercial profit eventually. Perhaps there could be a way for these funded trees to be ring fenced and designated to be used to build community centres, hospitals, etc that would benefit the greater good of British communities. I would be more inclined to invest in something like this that would contribute to the re-investing of our social fabric and infrastructure beyond government spending.
Hope these comments are received in the spirit of positive comment. Love your company and what you stand for. Keep giving back and I will keep buying.
Thanks. DK
Tried to buy tree/s but goes to main site to buy wood which currently don’t need