Certainly Blog — woodsure
Are Woodburners Being Banned In Scotland?
Wood burning stoves to be banned for new build homes in Scotland! What does the new standard mean? Last week the Scottish government announced ...
Why Is The Top-Down Method The Best Way To Light Your Woodburner?
The top-down method is the technique that all stove manufacturers and industry experts are now recommending. This article will show you why experts are now recommending this method and how to do it yourself.
UK Farmshops that stock Certainly Wood
Farm shops are a great way to shop for non-mainstream products, and we love working with them. We have collated a small selection of farm shops we work with that would very much be worth visiting - if nothing else, to pick up a box of Flamers!
Emissions from wood burning stoves half of original estimate
Despite the negative press over the last few years, it is encouraging to see a significant increase in stove sales, some say as much as 20% and...
Wood burning goes high tech
Woodburning stoves have been delivering sustainable, renewable and affordable heat for families across the UK, long before carbon reductions an...
The Air Quality Regulations 2020 (Domestic Solid Fuels Standards)
This is a new piece of legislation that we have been aware of for a couple of years now and it has finally come to fruition. The Air Quality Re...
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