Certainly Blog — Camping

Cooking with Wood – Our Top Tips

  For a much more detailed look at cooking on wood with more tips and advice, try our comprehensive guide. Food always seems to taste better p...

The Brits Throw Down S’mores Gauntlet To USA - Press Release

The Brits Throw Down S’mores Gauntlet To USA S’mores – a toasted marshmallow, chocolate and Graham Cracker sandwich – are as American as the s...

Campfire games

Mosquito Bites Give each player a sheet of dot stickers (preferably red!), like mosquito bites! As the evening progress, try to get rid of you...

Fireside Songs

Fireside songs Kumbayah, Ten Green Bottles and Row Row Row Your Boat are just three examples of simple songs that people love to sing outdoors...

Keep Safe This Summer

With the festival and camping season upon us, the experts at Kiln Dried Wood company, Certainly Wood, share their tips for campfire safety thi...

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