Flamers are designed to ignite easily and provide a steady burn to help start fires. They are made from a natural woodwool which is dipped into fully-refined paraffin wax.

Refined Paraffin Wax in Firelighters:

Refined paraffin wax is considered a better alternative to kerosene for several reasons. Firelighters made from paraffin wax burn cleaner than kerosene and have a minimal odour, making them more suitable for indoor use.

Advantages of Refined Paraffin Wax:

- Cleaner Burning: Produces less soot and smoke.

- No Odor: Minimal odour, more pleasant for indoor use.

- Convenience: Easier to handle and store than liquid kerosene-based firelighters.

- Efficiency: Provides consistent heat, helping to establish a fire more effectively.

Disadvantages of Paraffin Wax:

- Cost: Can be more expensive than kerosene.